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Disclosure: If you make a purchase via a link in this newsletter, I may receive a small commission, and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. See the Disclosure page for more information. Thank you! Newsletter #140
In This Issue:
• New Article
• Reader's Aussies
• Photo of the
• Cartoon of the Month
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New Article
Reader's Aussies—Create a Page About Your Aussie
How Aussome Is Your Aussie? Tell us about them. Create a page all about your Aussie and include up to 4 photos!
>> Create a Page
All About Your Aussie Here
>> Have an Aussie Mix? Create a Page All About Them Here
Photo of the Month
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This is Shep, my 8-year-old Aussie. We live in south Germany in the northern Alps. Shep is the best companion I could wish for. When I go hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, or stay at home on the couch he is always by my side. He always gives me a safe feeling. The photo was taken on top of the mountain "Wertacher Hörnle" in Germany. (Photo: Theresa Eicke) See full size photo here: Australian Shepherd Photo of the Month >> Submit Your BEST Aussie Photos Here |
Cartoon of the Month

For Australian Shepherd Lovers Everywhere...
Our Official Guide To
Australian Shepherd Training & Care Ebook!
Download Your Copy Today...
For those of you who are not familiar with our ebook, Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care, it's a guide that has proven popular with our readers and includes hundreds of photos submitted by fellow Aussie Lovers like you.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the project with photo submissions and purchases of the ebook as it not only gives you the information you need, but it's one of the ways that helps us to be able to keep doing what we do.
Thanks again for being part of our Aussie Community and supporting our efforts! ~ Anton

Don't have your
copy yet? Order it here and download it today!
Note: The ebook is not available in printed format. It's available in PDF format so that it can be updated at any time (you are entitled to all future updates). There's no waiting and no shipping/handling fees. You get download access immediately after ordering so you can get started right away. The ebook version can be viewed on any computer, tablet, or device as it is in the common PDF format. The book cover graphic above is for illustrative purposes only.
Aussie Rescue
Current Rescue Listings Page
Aussie Rescue and Placement Helpline (ARPH)
Official rescue organization of the Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA).
More Aussie Rescue Organizations
Learn By Watching How A Professional Dog Trainer Does It!
Recommended Online Video Dog Training Program...
I highly recommend professional dog trainer and dog behaviorist "Doggy Dan" and his comprehensive video-based online dog training program.
Dan's program covers everything from the foundations of dog training, to obedience training, and just about any behavior problem you are likely to face.
Have Dog Training Questions?
Check out these introductory dog training videos...
I want my dog to COME
I want my dog to STOP BARKING
I want some help TRAINING MY PUPPY
Dog Quote
Dogs travel hundreds of miles during their lifetime responding to such commands as "come" and "fetch". ~ Stephen Baker
Digital Caricature Paintings by Debbie Fagan
Debbie Fagan is a digital artist whose unique style brings out the personalities of the dogs she paints.

If you would like to
get a digital caricature portrait of your Aussie, Debbie has kindly created a special discount code
just for our readers... ASL54U
When you use this code at checkout you will receive...
5% off your order of a custom digital painting of your Aussie and 5% off any items you would like to have it printed on (see Debbie's site for examples) and a beautiful rhinestone paw print necklace (pictured right—only with order of a custom digital painting).
Special thanks to Debbie for making this offer available for our readers. :)

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Until Next Time...
Check back with us often as we are always adding more great information. Please let us know if there is something you would like to see on
We love to hear from fellow Australian Shepherd Lovers like you. Send us your ideas, your feedback and photos/stories of your Aussie so we can include them on the site.
All the Best and Woof!
Anton and Levi
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reputable merchants and providers. If you are dissatisfied (or very pleased) with the quality of the products or the service provided, please contact us and let us know about your experience.